If you would like to support Perfect Organism or Shoulder of Orion, we'd be immensely grateful! Patreon gives us a sustainable funding platform, allowing us to produce better content for our beloved listeners. Your help goes a long way: it pays for our website; it helps us upgrade our sound quality; it gives us the opportunity to track down firsthand research and in-person interviews; it supports the creation of original audio dramas; and so much more.

We promise to always be transparent with how every penny is spent. As a Patron, you will receive messages every few months detailing exactly how your financial support is being used. You'll feel more directly connected to these shows than ever, and you'll be a distinct part of our creative process.

We also offer some rewards for your support! We are looking to ever expand and improve upon these, so if you have any ideas please reach out via our Contact page. 

Check out our list of current Patrons here.

To become a Patron, click the link below. Thank you!