59 // A Belly Full of Killing: Discussing the Theatrical Cut Part 2 (A 700 Layer Cake Part 9)


It was clear from our first deep-dive into the Theatrical Cut that one episode wasn't going to be enough to cover it. In Part 2, Jaime and Patrick are joined by frequent guest Peter and first-time guest Steve for an extended, wide-ranging investigation into Blade Runner as it first greeted the world at large in 1982.

This time around, the team spends a great deal of time looking at historical context—not just the history of the film, but the history of ourselves. Steve, a film/TV professional who fell in love with Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? in the sixties and saw Blade Runner in the theater, shares his unique perspective with us. We also take time exploring initial critical reactions to the film—and end up finding some kindred spirits in small-market newspapers nearly forty years ago.

The journey of Blade Runner is a crazy, quixotic, beautiful mess. We are so lucky to explore it with all of you.

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